Above: 8 year old Nagapriya: even the doctors say it is a miracle! 


Dear RHM Friends,

As Paul said again and again in his greetings to the churches, "Grace to you and peace from GOD our Father and the Lord JESUS Christ." Precious Words. For those who don't know, GOD and JESUS are in caps because they are perhaps the 2 greatest words in the English vocabulary, and yet are used in a pathetically common way. Oh for the Day when we will see them in their glory!

Click here to open up a pdf of our May newsletter. Starts out with 2 beautiful testimonies. Hope you will read. Both are great encouragements to our faith to those who are involved in their stories. Think about it: these things are happening all around the world thousands, if not millions of times every day. I'm not talking about a fever going away after taking medicine; I'm talking about situations where it seems impossible in the natural that anything good is going to happen, and then our Lord steps onto the scene. Hallelujah! When we're a part of it, we rejoice and are full of gratitude. But sadly, when we're not actually a part of the miracle scene, it seems to be our human nature to think, "Oh, that's nice. Yes, He's a wonderful GOD." Then we forget all about it. Lord, help us to remember that Your glorious works are taking place all around the world, MULTITUDES of times daily, and multitudes of lives are being greatly impacted, EVERY DAY.

Thanks to those who prayed for our trip to a more volatile area of India this last week. It was a great trip. And thanks to those who are praying for us as we endure the summer heat of India; we're coming up to the finish line, which gives us hope that we really can survive. Thanks to those who have prayed for the prisoners families for many years; it really does pay off eventually as we wait upon Him.

And thanks to those who prayed for the elections here in India. The bitter/sweet results were announced yesterday. For those who live in states controlled by Hindu nationalist parties, there might not seem to be any sweetness in the results, as the national results were not what we had hoped and prayed for. It will likely lead to more persecution of believers here in India. But for myself and millions of others in this state of Andhra Pradesh (total population in this state of about 55 million), the state elections came out good. The new chief minister will be a man named Jagan, who claims to be a Christian. His father was CM previously, but died in a helicopter accident in 2009. He was considered a champion of the poor. Jagan has promised to walk in his father's footsteps in that regard. It may mean a great reduction in our widows & elderly ministry as they increase their monthly benefits, but still we are thankful that the elderly might be brought into a better position in the months ahead.

Continue to pray for new donors. Pray for me, as I seek the Lord in regard to future direction in life and ministry. Thanks always for your love, prayers and support!

Dan, RHM

"Whatever you do, do all things to the glory of GOD." 1 Corinthians 10:31
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