Delivering the Needy When He Cries for Help
February 27, 2024 Update
Dear RHM Friends,
Greetings in the Name of our Precious Lord JESUS.
"For he will deliver the needy when he cries for help, the afflicted also, and him who has no helper. 13 He will have compassion on the poor and needy, and the lives of the needy he will save. 14 He will βrescue their life from oppression and violence, and their blood will be precious in his sight." Psalms 72:12-14
Because "he" and "his" are not capitalized, it indicates this is written about an earthly king. Even if an earthly king were to have these attributes, surely it is only our Father's goodness and compassion working in his heart. Man will fulfill these Words inconsistently, if at all. They are a much better description of our faithful Lord. Hallelujah!
Please continue to pray for new donors for this ministry to the poor in India, and tell others about us if you recognize someone has that heart written about above:
"He will have compassion on the poor and needy..." Whether you give to RHM or some other ministries, please keep your faith in Him during these troubled times. Some are doing fine at the moment, but we totally understand that many are struggling financially. Never forget that the Lord promises to provide for those who have a giving heart, even when there's not much to give (Psalms 41:1-3; Proverbs 19:17; 22:9; Philippians 4:14-19). We have noticed that very few people are visiting our
RHM Facebook page. Please visit the page when you can. For the most part, it is only our RHM website blog posts that are posted on this Facebook page. You can also visit our
RHM website to see these same blog posts. We try to post at least 15-20 posts a month about the ministry.
The 6th of 16 photos and captions below includes a nice testimony of Brother Raju, who leads our children's ministry. There is much information within these captions about what the Lord is doing in India via this ministry and through your donations and prayers.
Bless you always for your prayers and support!
Brother Dan
"So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith." Galatians 6:10
ABOVE: This group of girls went with Brothers Prasanth and Raju to a prayer meeting in another village. While on the journey, they stopped and spent some time by this river and bridge. The man on the right is one of our auto rickshaw drivers, and the father of the last 2 girls, Nanditha and Nandini.
ABOVE: Sathyavathi (left), Karimun and Lakshmi are writing during their "literacy class" recently. Sister Jhansi is conducting these classes in 3 or 4 villages with the widows & elderly who wish to participate. Pray for Sathyavathi, who is needing cataract surgery soon.
ABOVE: Suvarthamma ("Suvartha" means good news or Gospel in the Telegu language) is putting her thumb print in the ledger after receiving some support in January. We have 53 of our widows & elderly members who are receiving a small amount of monthly support via your donations.
ABOVE: Pavani (right, wife of Bro. Raju) is with Naomi, who has diabetes. Because of the diabetes, Naomi has now had 2 of her toes removed. Thankfully, one of our nursing college girls, Mary, morning and evening helped Naomi as she was healing. Now she is doing better, but needs your prayers. Please pray for Pavani also, as she is in her 6th month of pregnancy, due in May. I saw her in a video call this morning at one of our girl's home. Pavani says that the Lord has given her strength, so she wants to participate in the ministry as much as she can. Praise the Lord.
ABOVE: Sister Bharathi is one of our widows, also having a 13 year old boy, Arun. You've helped them so much over the last few years, and helping Arun with his education, now in the 7th grade. The tarp on her roof was put on recently after the previous one was damaged by Cyclone Michaung in December.
ABOVE: Raju is with Yesumma in 2020, shortly before her body died. We want to share with you this brother's recent testimony, praising GOD for 5 years now with RHM.
"Brother, Praise God that he has used me in this ministry for 5 years for His Glory, and now again gave me another year's opportunity in His kingdom. Thanks for your prayers ππ». In February (2019) God led you to select me (part time) in this ministry, and then God appointed me as a full time worker for the widows and elderly in April 2019. After my marriage in 2021 God revealed His particular purpose for me as a full time worker in children's ministry. One by one God is providing me money to help with people's needs, administration work, etc.
(Raju also helps some with administration)
God is helping and directing me in my ways
(and His ways) for this ministry. Of course, I did many, many mistakes in these 5 years, but at the same time gave many opportunities to be rectified. It seems that Father God loves me so much, even though I am unworthy and unfaithful.
Please continue your prayers for me and my wife Pavani to fulfill His will. Pavani has also helped me more, many times when discouraging situations have come in this ministry. She encourages me and is praying for me more and more. I am so happy that God gave me a wonderful spiritual partner so that I am remembering His goodness always in my life. God is using her much in different ways. Still she is praying more for the children and parents. When I come back to home, she is asking about their needs and their situation.
(Before her pregnancy, Pavani would go with Raju most of the time for ministry. Now she still goes, but not as often.)
Pray for us that God will give good health, protection, His directions, and much burden about perishing souls for His Glory. Amen ππ» |
ABOVE: We have two main areas of the same state in India for our widows & elderly ministry. Brother Wesley (above) oversees one of those areas. Here, he is giving some medical reimbursement to Priyanka, the daughter of one of our widows, Koteswari. Priyanka was having some skin allergies, but is doing better now. Praise the Lord.
ABOVE: Yesubabu is praying for the Sunday School class at Chilakala Colony. Yesubabu's wife, Kumari, leads the Sunday School there. We have another brother, Bhaskara Rao, who comes to this village once a month to teach them songs, and to teach them about Christ through games, magic tricks and puppet shows.
ABOVE: This is the children's minister Bhaskara Rao (right) who helps us in a few villages with the Sunday School ministry. Here, he's with Brother Peter, the pastor of some of our widows & elderly, and his wife, Sister Kushma. They were both in a motorcycle accident recently, but we praise the Lord they are still alive!
ABOVE: Brother Bhaskara Rao with children in a village called Nandayapalem during their Sunday School class.
ABOVE: Brothers Raju (right) and Marthababu (standing on the left) are having a time of singing, prayer and sharing the Word at a home in Ponnur. Some of the home visitations are only with a few family members, but some are like this one, more than one family and some neighbors coming.
ABOVE: After the meeting at the home (above photo), these brothers took the same children to an ice cream parlour to get ice cream or other food items. The young man on the left is Prasanth, who has been helping us in ministry for the last several months.
ABOVE: Some of our boys having lunch during a house gathering for prayer. From the lower left, clockwise, is Pavan, Jeevan, Samuel, Paul, Sai and Danny.
ABOVE: As we shared with you recently, we were meeting with many of our children and elderly on a weekly basis in a central location within a busy town (maybe 70,000 people in that town). The people we were renting from had some other problems with that building, so we have moved our meeting to a nearby village. It's not near as convenient for a larger number of people to gather, or for newcomers to visit. Still many are faithful to come; praise the Lord. Pray the Lord will provide us a better place within the previous town again. Rent is very high there, so we need the Lord's direction and favor.
ABOVE: Soniya (right) and her little sister, Divya, with their new school bags. Continue to pray for the education of our children. At this time, there are about 50 children we are helping with their education. For 45 of these children, the average cost is around $250 per year, some higher, some a little lower. There are some other children, but lower amounts than the 45. We are very thankful that the Lord has used you to help provide these children with a better education. Praise the Lord!
"Whatever you do, do all things to the glory of GOD." 1 Corinthians 10:31 |