John 11:25-26
Right Hand Ministries
RHM:  PO Box 12385   Oklahoma City, OK 73157
Christians Will NEVER Die!
September 30, 2024 Update

Dear RHM Friends,

Greetings in the Name of our Precious Lord JESUS. 
"Jesus said to her, 'I am the Resurrection and the Life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die. Do you believe this?” John 11:25-26
The above Scriptures contain the truth that is truly an anchor to our soul, especially when we are going through the loss of a loved one who knew JESUS, or we are tempted to doubt our own eternal destiny. But the question, "Do you believe this?" is something that we should all ask ourselves. Martha (whom the Lord was speaking to) had faith, but in her brokenness may have been tempted to doubt. All she could think about at this time was the dead body of her brother Lazarus. If she truly understood and believed His Words, though she would still cry because her brother is gone, her tears would not be tears of despair. It is so true: those who believe in JESUS will NEVER die! It is only our frail human body that passes away; our soul lives forever. Hallelujah! 
In last month's update we shared with you about the physical deaths of 2 of our elderly, one a widow. In September also, 2 of our widows have passed away, Krupamma and Naomi. But we don't despair, because we know that our separation is only temporary. Most of the widows and elderly on our list are up there in age, and getting weaker each year. We thank the Lord that He has given us the blessed opportunity (through your donations) to help take care of them during the remaining years of their lives. I think most of those still alive could testify to you that they are thankful that their last years on earth are being made a little easier because of the assistance they are receiving. Praise the Lord!
I encourage you to go regularly to our RHM Facebook page, which is called "RHM Matthew 25:34-36". We try to do 15-20 blog posts a month on our website, covering the different aspects of the ministry, and then we post these onto Facebook. I previously would post these blog posts onto my personal Facebook page, but for security reasons I stopped doing that. But since we made that change, it seems that very few people are actually seeing the posts. Please pray about bookmarking our blog page or our Facebook page, and share it with others as the Lord leads. As the saying goes, "Out of sight, out of mind", and so if we can somehow inspire more people to view the posts, then by our Father's grace more people may become interested to support and pray for this ministry. 
Please see and read the photos & captions below. These captions always give you things that you can pray for, as well as rejoice with us for what the Lord is doing in the lives of our precious Indian friends. 
Thank you ALWAYS for your love, prayers and support! Bless you.
Brother Dan

"So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith."  Galatians 6:10

ABOVE: Mary (left) and Martha with new bicycles. They were walking to their nursing college, but it's a little far, and more importantly, it was not safe. By the time they get out of classes, sometimes they were coming home in the dark. That's something they are accustomed to, but we don't feel that it's wise. These girls are so faithful to attend our meetings and excursions, and they genuinely want to do so. Praise the Lord. Pray for these girls, both born at less than 3 pounds. They both have weak immune systems, occasionally getting serious fevers or other sickness.
ABOVE: Brother Wesley likes to take photos, proving that the money he's been entrusted with is actually going into the hands of the recipients, which is appreciated. This sister, Vijaya Lakshmi, has had polio most all of her life, so would use a walking stick to get around with only one good leg. Recently she had a stroke, which caused her good leg to become partially paralyzed. Pray with us, as we have been searching to find a good woman to help care for her. One of our widows, Lakshmamma (probably close to 80 herself), has been cooking for her and helping to do what she can. Lord, bless her for that!
ABOVE: Meramma (left, married), Ratna Kumari and Sugunamma (both widows) are practicing their writing during literacy class in their village of Alluru. Pray with us that we will be able to find a Godly person to replace our Sister Jhansi, who has been working fulltime with our widows & elderly for a little more than 2 years. Jhansi has always been single, although she may be 35-40 years old, which is a little old to find a husband because of the India culture. I don't remember the details, but she is expected to get married in November and move to another location.  
ABOVE: Our cute Divya (11), preparing a common Indian breakfast food called dosa. Happy to see her helping her mother, as well as her willingness to learn how to cook.
ABOVE: From left is Paul, Johnbasha, Arun, Jeevan, Pavan, Prasanth and Samuel. The 3 older boys are not officially part of our ministry in India, but they have helped and participated many times. We're happy when they participate because all 3 of them are good examples to the younger boys, especially in their devotion to the Lord.
ABOVE: Abhinaya (left, 13) is giving cake to her older sister, Akshaya, on her birthday. We thank GOD for bringing healing to Abhinaya a couple of times in recent months. Several months ago she was diagnosed with a thyroid problem, but is doing much better now. Only a week or 2 ago she was in the hospital for days with dengue fever and was in serious condition. Now she is back at home and doing fine. Praise the Lord!
ABOVE: Twins Mary (left) and Martha had their 19th birthday on the 21st of September (they are the ones in the top photo with the new bicycles). Brother Raju's wife, Pavani, is with them. Pavani loves to be with Raju to do the children's ministry together, and they are a great team, but she was pregnant and recently had a baby girl, which they have named Keren (Job's 3rd daughter in Job 42:14). So after being away from the ministry for most of 6 months, we are very happy to see her beginning to participate in ministry again. Praise the Lord!
ABOVE: Since our Sister Mary is also in this photo on the left side of the back row, most likely they had already finished tutoring class before this photo was taken. Now they are singing to the Lord. Three or 4 of these children are from Muslim families. Pray that the Lord will touch all these young hearts.
ABOVE: From left, Asiya, Havila, Bhavya Sri, Nageena and Navya are singing during our Sunday afternoon service. Very thankful that Asiya is faithfully coming to the meetings, as she is from a non-Christian family, and has also had a problem with severe seizures in the past. Many are believing it is demonic, as not only has she had the seizures, but a local sorcerer (a rich man) tried to pay her parents a large amount of money so that he could use her as a human sacrifice! Thankfully, the parents rejected that. The police are so corrupt (bribes & extortion), they are not doing anything to put this man in jail.
  ABOVE: This also is our Sunday afternoon service in one of the village churches, anyone welcome. Brother Marthababu is leading in a time of worship. About 30-40 children come on an average Sunday, many or most of them teenagers. Praise the Lord!
ABOVE: Brother Bhaskara Rao (standing) helps us with Sunday School classes in 5 of the villages or churches we're connected with. This is in the village of Chinthayapalem. The room behind the children is a guest room where I have stayed for many months. Sometimes I would come out of the room on Sunday morning while the SS class was going on. Nice memories.
ABOVE: One of the villages where Bhaskara Rao helps us is called Nandayapalem (he is likely the one holding the camera in this photo). Here, Ribca (Telegu for Rebecca) is leading in a song or saying something to the other children. Please pray for the Sunday School ministry. About 50-70 children are being ministered to in these 5 locations each month. 
ABOVE: This was a very special day for our Brother Wesley (a pastor who has helped us with the widows & elderly ministry for many years), as it was the first time to have his birthday with the presence of his 1st grandchild, a boy named Advit Akshay, who is helping to cut the cake. Wesley's son, Sunny, is to our left of Wesley, then his daughter Blessy, then his wife Hannah. They are a precious family!
"Whatever you do, do all things to the glory of GOD." 1 Corinthians 10:31

PO Box 12385, Oklahoma City, OK, 73157

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