Isaiah 43:18-19
Right Hand Ministries
RHM:  PO Box 12385   Oklahoma City, OK 73157
Hopeful for Great Things in 2025
January 29, 2025 Update

Dear RHM Friends,

Greetings in the Name of our Precious Lord JESUS. 
"Do not call to mind the former things, or ponder things of the past. Behold, I will do something new, now it will spring forth; will you not be aware of it? I will even make a roadway in the wilderness, rivers in the desert." Isaiah 43:18-19
This is a Bible Promise given to me recently through another believer, and I believe it is the Lord's Heart for this ministry. Experiences "of the past" can cause us to waver in unbelief at times, but we're looking for those roadways and rivers. NOTHING is impossible with our faithful and loving GOD!
So as we move forward in 2025, pray with us for the "new" things, expecting open doors and new connections this year. Praise the Lord! As the Lord prompts your heart to do so, share our blog posts that are found on the RHM website and on our RHM Facebook page. Most of you who are taking time to read this information and look at the photos and captions are attending church somewhere, many of the churches willing to support overseas missions. I don't know how many churches are involved in helping the needy widows, but it is surely a ministry within the Heart of our Father,  "to visit the widows in their distress (or trouble)" (James 1:27). 
Please see and read the photos & captions below. These captions always give you things that you can pray for, as well as rejoice with us for what the Lord is doing in the lives of our precious Indian friends. 
Thank you ALWAYS for your love, prayers and support! Bless you.
Brother Dan

"So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith."  Galatians 6:10

ABOVE: Sister Thomas (Bro. Prasanth's mother) is sharing with girls in the church her husband pastors. The next photo will show the large group of girls and women who went on an excursion later that day to a fishing port on the coast of the Bay of Bengal called Nizampatnam. The boys and girls both had an excursion because of school holidays during a Hindu festival.
ABOVE: Happy that all these precious ones had the opportunity to spend blessed time together. Only about 3 or 4 of the children or youth in this photo are not regularly involved with this ministry. The adults are Sister Thomas, mothers and grandmothers.
ABOVE: Brother Raju is sharing with the boys in one of their homes before they went on an excursion later that morning. It's good to see that most of them seem attentive.
ABOVE: These boys and brothers Raju (right) and Marthababu (middle of the group) went to a theme park two hours or more from where we do most of the ministry and from where most of them live.
ABOVE: We can see that Jeevan (13) is in excruciating pain, but I'm pretty sure he's healed up by now. Most of the architecture in this park is somehow Buddhist-related.
ABOVE: We're thankful that the boys get to do something like this together on a rare basis. Some or many of them have never done these things outside of our ministry. 
ABOVE: From left clockwise is Samuel, Pavan, Pradeep and Jone, enjoying a special dinner together after leaving the theme park.
  ABOVE: We can appreciate the work of healing which the Lord has done over the years as we compare photos. This is the very first time (2020) that I met Sister Bharathi and her son Arun, 11 at that time. They were (and still are to some degree) living in poverty, the mother having a chronic disease, the father dying of that same disease when Arun was a baby.
ABOVE: This is Bharathi and Arun (now 15) at Christmas time 2024, both of them so much happier and having hope compared to a little over 4 years ago. Your donations are helping Bharathi with monthly cash, food, and helping Arun with his education.
ABOVE: Martha (left) and her twin sister Mary (2nd from right) are attending a nursing college. Here Martha is explaining something to do with almonds. Precious girls, Martha and Mary are growing more and more in their love for JESUS.
ABOVE: Sister Jhansi is sharing from the Bible to 4 women in the village church at Alluru. Jhansi works full-time with the widows and elderly, conducting small literacy classes in 3 of the villages, and trying to visit 40 or more elderly at their churches or homes at least 2 or 3 times a month. She used to be a nurse before doing this ministry, so she is very helpful in talking to them about their health needs.
ABOVE: These are the children of Harish, who suddenly died in an auto rickshaw accident in November. This might be where the funeral was conducted, possibly at their rent home (the funeral banner with their Daddy's picture is hanging on the wall to the right). The boys are (from left) Vikram (he'll be 6 in Feb), Indra (9) and Karthim (8), their mother's name Bhavana. Continue to pray for their family's comfort and provision.
ABOVE: Brother Raju is praying in one of our weekly Sunday afternoon meetings in a village church. We're still praying and waiting upon our faithful Lord for a more central location for these meetings, a place in a bigger town nearby so that more in the town can attend. Most people don't have cars or motorcycles they can use, so it's a little expensive to pay for transportation. We transport many of them freely to these meetings each week, but we are also limited in how much we can spend.
ABOVE: Brother Benjamin is sharing the Word in a house meeting during the recent holidays (a big Hindu festival). It's beautiful to see many of these children and adults trying to come to as many of these meetings as they can! Oh that we all would have a hunger for more of Him!
ABOVE: I don't know the particulars, but am guessing that these boys stayed in one of the village churches for a couple of days during the recent holidays. Here, Sister Krupamma ("Krupa" meaning grace in the Telugu language) is sharing with the boys during morning devotions.
ABOVE: This is another house gathering recently, a few boys outside the photo, but mostly girls attending this meeting. Continue to pray for salvation and spiritual growth among all those whom we are ministering to.
"Whatever you do, do all things to the glory of GOD." 1 Corinthians 10:31

PO Box 12385, Oklahoma City, OK, 73157

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