Hebrews 6:10-12
Right Hand Ministries
RHM:  PO Box 12385   Oklahoma City, OK 73157   rhmforhim@gmail.com
GOD Does Not Forget
February 28, 2025 Update

Dear RHM Friends,

Greetings in the Name of our Precious Lord JESUS. 
"For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love which you have shown toward His name, in having ministered and in still ministering to the saints. 11 And we desire that each one of you show the same diligence so as to realize the full assurance of hope until the end, 12 so that you will not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit the promises." Hebrews 6:10-12
Beautiful Scriptures to remind us that there is a reward awaiting us as we minister in His precious Name. As you can see in verses 11-12, we need to hang onto our faith and hope until the end. Perhaps many of us are tempted to get discouraged, growing weary of sharing, loving, helping, praying, giving...sometimes not seeing the fruit we would like to see, or fruit that we feel that the Lord has promised us. But continue to fight "the good fight of FAITH", knowing that He cannot lie. Hallelujah!
Since 1995 the Lord has allowed me the blessing (and sometimes heartache) of being a part of 5 different children's homes: one mixing the boys and girls, 2 boys homes and 2 girls homes. There was also a school that I was a part of from 2011 until 2020. Those kind of ministries involve much activity and excitement. For some reason some donors also seem to have a deep interest in being a part of a children's home, which I totally understand (especially small children pull on our heartstrings). 
But the ministry I have been a part of for the last 4 years or more has not included a children's home because of funds and government issues. Even so, I can honestly say that I have thoroughly enjoyed the ministry the Lord has given to us. There are still the same type of children, even though there's not one particular home that all of them have come to. We have some total orphans, several semi-orphans (one parent has died), and many abandoned children (by one or both parents). And there are many children from impoverished situations. The main difference is that the children we work with are still with relatives (except for 2 girls which we have staying with a Godly woman, hoping to take more girls into her home in the near future). In a children's home or orphanage, the children live there and are being ministered to daily. We don't have that blessing, but we do see the children regularly, many of them 2 or 3 times a week, sometimes more. And we have an additional blessing/opportunity that many children's homes or orphanages don't have: we are ministering to the whole family. I can honestly say that, by God's grace, MANY family members have come to the Lord, or have come into a much deeper relationship with the Lord as a result of this ministry. Praise His Name! 
The widows and elderly ministry (some handicapped members are also there) is also a little different than what I experienced in previous years. In previous experiences, we were feeding the elderly in different places, which was a blessing, but I and those I was ministering with didn't visit their homes very often. In our present ministry, we are not doing as much feeding, although we are giving food to many. But we are doing more visiting their homes and building relationships. I hope, by His grace, that we are well connected with our elderly members so that we can help them more with their spiritual lives. Both my previous, and my current experiences with the widows and elderly have been a blessing.
There are also many pastors we are involved with (as in previous experiences), which has been a great blessing on both sides. We would like to do more to help poor pastors, and continue to wait upon the Lord to be able to do that. All in all, I feel that the Lord has given us more of a pastoral type ministry, trying to spend time with the people (whether children, youth, elderly, family members, whoever), so we can help many come closer to JESUS. Ultimately, whatever the ministry may be, that is our main objective:  "Whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the Name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him." Colossians 3:17
Please see and read the photos & captions below. These captions always give you things that you can pray for, as well as rejoice with us for what the Lord is doing in the lives of our precious Indian friends. 
Thank you ALWAYS for your love, prayers and support! Bless you.
Brother Dan

"So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith."  Galatians 6:10

ABOVE: Brother Samuel, left, is a precious pastor in the village of VV Palem. For many years he, his wife and 3 children lived in this church, not having their own home. Some of their grandchildren also lived here. By our Father's grace, and the help of one of our donors, several years ago they were able to build a small home next to this church. He and his son (whose family also lives on this property) do ministry in maybe 3 different villages, most of them meeting in this church on Sundays. Samuel is pastor of 12 of our widows and elderly. His wife's body died in 2022, so we are assisting him with medication. He is a faithful man of GOD.
ABOVE: Suresh (the man) and Varalakshmi are part of a church in a village called Thunagunta. We work with their pastor in the widows ministry. Varalakshmi came to the Lord over 4 years ago. Suresh was an alcoholic, his liver already damaged, and he has diabetes. When he found out some months ago that he also has TB (tuberculosis), he stopped drinking and is coming to the church. As you can see, his health is in critical condition, and we are asking for the Lord's healing and to lead Suresh to the assurance of eternal life. It seems that he is growing in his understanding about JESUS.
ABOVE: Brother Wesley, left, is conducting the funeral for one of our elderly members, Narayanamma, who is also one of his church members. An idolater most of her life, due to a miraculous healing over 2 years ago she came to Wesley's church, and to the Lord. She ultimately died of cancer, with no one to help with her burial expenses. RHM and Brother Wesley (either from his personal or church expenses) contributed so that she could have a decent funeral and burial.
ABOVE: This is Sister Koteswaramma (one of our widows) with her grandson, Abhishek. His mother and another uncle also stay in their home. We are thankful that the Lord used us to help her when a creditor had threatened to take her home away if she didn't pay off the loan she had taken. She had no ability to pay anything, but we made an agreement with the creditor and have finally paid off the loan. Praise the Lord!
ABOVE: Sister Pavani (2nd from right) is Brother Raju's wife, both of them heavily involved in our children's ministry. Pavani had little Keren last June. The 3 other girls are all studying at a nursing college in the nearby city of Chirala. I have known them for years, their families living in the India state of Orissa. Your donations are helping them with their education.
ABOVE: Brother Bhaskara Rao has been helping us do Sunday School classes in various villages for several years. Currently he is doing classes in 5 different villages, a total of 7 meetings a month. This class is in the village of NTR Colony.
ABOVE: Asiya (the girl) turned 14 earlier this month. Her older brother (right) and cousin are with her in this photo. Both their families are Muslim. We are thankful for the opportunity to be able to share Christ with them at different times. Asiya has been coming very faithfully to various meetings for several months. More about her a couple of photos down.
  ABOVE: Sunny (Brother Wesley's son) is helping to serve food after a service in the village of Anandapuram. Wesley has been faithfully coming to minister in this poor village for several years.
ABOVE: Only one of these girls has a father (Asiya, 2nd from left), and her parents are both Muslim and don't attend Christian meetings. They allow Asiya to come because she was close to dying when having some kind of seizures, and in a separate situation was targeted by a local sorcerer wanting to offer her as a human sacrifice. Her parents can recognize how their "god" did nothing, but the true and living GOD has protected and healed her. Many stories are represented here with these children, but we're thankful that all these girls are regularly a part of the ministry. 
ABOVE: These boys are having a turn to sing before our Sunday afternoon meeting. Brothers Raju and Marthababu, and oftentimes their wives (both named Pavani), lay down their lives regularly, visiting the homes of most of these boys, involved in many of their schools, counseling them, etc. Please pray for the ministry to boys. So much potential is in their lives, but Satan has many distractions as you know. Brother Prasanth and some other college-age boys also invest time into helping the boys to be faithful to Christ.
ABOVE: Brother Raju is sharing with this group of children and adults in the town of Ponnur. Sometimes the children come late because of tutoring classes or important exams they need to study for, but there are usually 5 to 8 children who gather together about 3 times a month, some of the parents and grandparents also attending.
ABOVE: Brother Raju is with this group, cutting cake at Christmas time. The cake is to honor our Lord JESUS. Sister Aparanjani (left) is the pastor of this church, and is also one of our widows. If I remember correctly, initially her father was pastor; he died and her mother became pastor. When her mother died, then Aparanjani continued with the ministry.
ABOVE: Brother Marthababu is sharing with some villagers who stay in a roadside colony in the town of Karlapalem. They live in a very primitive manner, and generally are a non-religious people. They might identify as Hindus, but most have no interest in religion. A few have come to the Lord, including the 2 women on the right.
ABOVE: Brother Raju is leading prayer during a house gathering recently. I believe this is outside the home of our 19 year old twins, Martha and Mary.
ABOVE: Brother Prasanth helps to implement this ministry in India. This is his Dad preaching, Brother Benjamin, who came to the Lord when he was very young, faced much opposition in his village, but has gradually brought many to Christ. He shares during some of our meetings in various places.
"Whatever you do, do all things to the glory of GOD." 1 Corinthians 10:31

PO Box 12385, Oklahoma City, OK, 73157

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