Right Hand Ministries
RHM:  PO Box 12385   Oklahoma City, OK 73157   rhmhope1@gmail.com
A Light Into the Lockdown
April 14 RHM

Dear RHM Friends,

Greetings in the Name and Love of our Lord JESUS. Of course, the hot topic on most everyone's mind at this time is called CORONA. No different here in India. Most of the country was waiting anxiously to hear what decision the Prime Minister would make today, as today was the deadline for the "curfew" imposed about 21 days earlier. Sadly to most, the curfew has been extended to May 3rd. Things change a lot here in India, so we'll see how it actually plays out.

But one thing is for sure: most of the population is still not able to work, so food is scarce in many homes. Most people here (those who work) are "hand to mouth" daily laborers, setting little or nothing aside for the rainy days. What we did not expect, and never could have planned for in our budget, was incredible opportunity to bless many people's lives during this time.

Be aware that all the info we're giving in these paragraphs is in regard to the Corona relief being done via RHM, totally separate from what HOPE is doing. If you have a desire to only support relief work via HOPE, then please designate it as such with your donation. 

We are very thankful for an unusual surplus of RHM funds at this time, plus some additional help being given from World Challenge (our main sponsor to the widows) so that we can reach out to many of those suffering during this lockdown. So far we have a budget of about $9,500 to feed many villagers (around 750), and to help some pastors' families (24 families on the list at this time). Working on a 1st distribution now; planning for a 2nd in most of these 9 villages which have been chosen. It's only our Father's love and grace that has provided these funds, and we're hoping that every opportunity and distribution will ultimately lead the people to His great salvation and/or a closer walk with Him. As with the "prodigal son" in Luke 15, it's often in a time of brokenness and lack that the heart is humbled and opened up to the Gospel.

Two distributions to these 9 villages and pastors pretty much exhausts our budget at this time. If the Lord touches your heart to assist in this endeavor, then we can do more. We'll also be praying about a 3rd distribution in early or mid-May, depending on the duration of the lockdown and the level of the people's need. So thankful for our donors and prayer partners! Without you (and His love working through you, His Body) there would be no ability to minister to these people. Most of the villagers we're working with are what we call "tribals" or ST people ("scheduled tribe" within the caste system). They are oftentimes among the poorest in India, their occupation being catching rats in the fields (and often making the rats part of their diet), fishermen, cleaning the sewage ditches, whatever they can find to do. Many or most are illiterate, but our GOD loves them, and sent His own Son to die for them. What a joy to be a part of His love reaching out to them!

Scroll down to see photos & captions of what's happening during these lockdown days. Thank you always for your love, prayers and support! Bless you.


Brother Dan
"There is one who scatters, yet increases more. And there is one who withholds more than is right, but it leads to poverty. The generous soul will be made rich, and he who waters will also be watered himself." Proverbs 11:24-25

ABOVE: Brother Raju giving snacks to the children in KB Palem, on the same day distributing rice and other necessary cooking materials.
ABOVE: A man in Rajiv Gandhi Colony, another ST village ("ST" short for Scheduled Tribe, and a general classification for many tribal sub-castes in India).
ABOVE: This is also in Rajiv Gandhi Colony, the day we went and surveyed the situation there to determine how many people were there, and their level of need. At right is Brother Hanock, his ministry actually doing the larger part of the distribution in this village.
ABOVE:  Brother Raju looking at all the rice and "provisions" (oil and other cooking items) in the auto rickshaw, ready for distribution in RG Colony.
ABOVE: There were only 61 families counted in RG Colony, but many others came, hoping (or demanding) for help as well. In this colony (another word for "village") RHM teamed up with Brother Hanock's Mephibosheth Ministries to do this distribution.
ABOVE: HOPE's Brother Emmanuel giving food to HOPE Manna Program widows. This is not extra help, but their daily food since they are not allowed to "gather" at HOPE for devotions or meals during the lockdown.
ABOVE: HOPE's Sister Buelah (pink saree) with HOPE children's relatives, who came one morning recently to get food supplies from HOPE. Thanking GOD for His provision via HOPE also.
ABOVE: Two of the HOPE girls, Charity & Nithya, have parents in this village called Thotavaripalem. Just this morning Brothers Prasanth and Raju finished the 1st distribution in this village of 42 families.
ABOVE: Same village as the previous photo, a mother preparing some food for her children. Don't remember if it was 3 or 5 children, but it is a big family living inside that one-room hut.
ABOVE: Raju giving rice to each of the village families, another young believer named Milton (right) also helping that day.
ABOVE: Giving snacks to the children lined up in Thotavaripalem. When we inquired with HOPE girls Charity & Nithya, they had only been eating 2 meals a day, and both of those meals also not large meals, and no vegetables at all. Thankfully, through both RHM and HOPE the Lord has provided food for their family.
ABOVE: An old widow in her little hut after receiving some food supplies in Thotavaripalem.
ABOVE: Nirmalamma from Chinthayapalem, her hut in need of new leaves and grass for the roof. She's part of the widows & elderly ministry.
ABOVE: Yesumma from Chilakala Colony ("chilakalu" is Telugu for "parrots"). Her hut collapsed, her husband now sleeping in a small space where the hut didn't go all the way to the ground; she staying inside this makeshift shelter. Planning to build a new hut whenever we can get supplies and workers during this Corona lockdown.
ABOVE: You may remember the child who was in a coma for 10 days, the doctors giving no hope for her life. Her name is Nagapriya (the bigger girl) with her little sister and mother (the woman on the left is another believer). Pray for them. After the miraculous healing, they were coming to the church, but the father went back to drinking. Again reaching out to them during this Corona lockdown.
ABOVE: Precious 5 girls still with Kumar (alias) and his wife (upper right). The other 5 girls in the home went back to their relatives during this lockdown. This photo was taken on Palm Sunday.

"Whatever you do, do all things to the glory of GOD." 1 Corinthians 10:31
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PO Box 12385, Oklahoma City, OK, 73157

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