Titus 2:14
Right Hand Ministries
RHM:  PO Box 12385   Oklahoma City, OK 73157   rhmforhim@gmail.com
Zealous for Good Works
February 23, 2022 Update

Dear RHM Friends,

Greetings in the Name of our Precious Lord JESUS. 
"For the grace of GOD that brings salvation has appeared to all men, teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age, looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great GOD and Savior JESUS Christ, Who gave Himself for us, that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and purify for Himself His own special people, zealous for good works." Titus 2:11-14
 This should be our desire, not for the sake of recognition or trying to earn our salvation, but from the love of Christ, to have a ZEAL to do good works. I hope that all of you who are reading this are involved in some way to do these good works, whether by prayer, by giving, by helping with the admin side of ministry, or by hands on ministry to those who are lost or hurting. We are the Body of Christ, and we want Him to do His work on the earth through our lives, for His glory alone. "Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father in heaven." Matthew 5:16
Scroll down to see some of what the Lord is doing in India, and how you can pray. We are SO THANKFUL for all the precious children, widows, elderly, families, and pastors/ministries which the Lord has connected us with. We are not a large organization, and we don't have a lot of money, but such as we have, we will give unto those in need...in the Name of JESUS (Acts 3:6).
Continue to pray also for the One Who "owns the cattle on a thousand hills", Who says, "the silver and gold are Mine" (Psalms 50:10; Haggai 2:8) to touch more hearts to give and to pray. It's not for our personal benefit, but for the purpose of healing more of the brokenhearted, comforting more who mourn, bringing more souls closer to GOD. It's all about Him, and His love being manifested on the earth. 
Bless you.
Brother Dan

"So then, while we have opportunity, let us do good to all people, and especially to those who are of the household of the faith."  Galatians 6:10

ABOVE:  The mother is Nirmala Devi, her children (from left) Sonia (11), Divya (8) and Kavya (5). The mother left the Dad after years of drinking and abuse, coming from another state. The Lord has us helping the girls with their education and the family with food. They seem to be very happy about our involvement with them, as they were sad and feeling alone. Nirmala's mother died of Covid in 2020. Pray for this precious family.
ABOVEBrother Wesley giving the Bible on cassette to Kotamma in a poor village church. Most of our widows & elderly are illiterate, so these potentially can be very useful for them. Pray for us, as we endeavor to find the widows & elderly who would truly make good use of these.
ABOVE: Another new family the Lord has connected us with. Mary says she married a teenage boy when she was only 11 or 12 years old. Her young husband was fully addicted to alcohol (common in the tribal villages, which they also are a part of), and sadly died at a very young age from some kind of problem in the brain. The boys are Chinni (left) and Buliraj. Buliraj is mentally handicapped.
ABOVE: Annamma from the village of Betapudi ("Anna" + "amma", which is a respectful term for the elderly women). Her husband died more than 10 years ago, and her only child (daughter) died around 2005. She's a precious woman.
ABOVE: Brothers Raju (right), Subra Manyam (left) and Prasanth (with the camera) gave Christmas clothes and sweaters to these beautiful tribal families near to their church. Some of the adults and most of the children attend the church and Sunday School. Lord willing, we are planning to put most of the children in a private school next year. Pray for that, as the children are not accustomed to good discipline or study habits. 
ABOVE: Bro. Anesh sharing the Word of GOD with widows in the village of Alluru. Pray the Lord will bless them with more and more understanding of His will and purpose for their lives. The writing on the wall is usually Scriptures, a common practice in most all the churches.
ABOVE: Akshaya (12) is showing us the trophy and certificate she received in her school for having the 2nd highest marks in the 7th grade. 
ABOVE: Bro. Wesley is sharing with our widows & elderly (along with the pastor in the middle and one other church member on the left) in the village of Bangarakkapalem (perhaps meaning "village of the golden sister"). The main thrust of the widows & elderly ministry is to help them in their walk with GOD.
ABOVE: Sister Pavani (yellow dress) is leading a class of girls during January's monthly gathering of our elderly & children whom the Lord has us helping. Thankfully many other children are also now attending. Seven of these 15 girls are not on our support list.
ABOVE: Sister Aruna, one of our widows, with the new cot your donations have purchased. Aruna is the grandmother of, and cares for one of our children, Bhavya. Both of Bhavya's parents died when she was very little.
ABOVE: Bro. Raju sharing the Word with one of our families. The widow on the left lost her son (the Daddy of these children) to Covid in April 2021. Her daughter-in-law, Sunitha, is next to her, Sunitha's 2 children in the white school uniforms. All of them are being helped via your donations. 
ABOVE: Bro. Wesley giving medical reimbursement to Thirupathamma in the village of VV Palem. The widows & elderly who are in need bring their medical receipts, and we reimburse some or all of that amount. This sister has heart problems, asthma, high BP, diabetes, many problems.
ABOVE: Rani (violet dress) giving tutoring to her village children outside her home. Very thankful for Rani (which means "queen"), a precious girl with a deep love for the Lord and desire to serve others.
ABOVE: Brothers Jaison (left, 7) and Jone (12), both not feeling well in this photo. Their father was an alcoholic and abusive to their mother. Before he died in 2020, he had taken large loans to build a nice house. He died because of having head injuries while he was drunk, leaving his wife and boys with severe debt. We're helping (the Lord through us) this family in various ways, one of which is to provide better food for these boys, who both are physically weak.
ABOVE: Bro. Raju taking a photo with a precious family we've been involved with for about 3 years. The older boy and the young lady (3rd from the right) are brother and sister, losing their mother recently (the doctors never could find out what her problem was, but it is suspected it was cancer). The little girl (an orphan) stays with her grandmother (far right), who is sister to the one who died. Continue to pray for their comfort.
ABOVE: Precious little ones at the beach of the Bay of Bengal. Your gifts help support all these children except for Arpana, the biggest girl in the green dress. We NEVER have seen Prem Kumari (girl in the yellow) smile so big! She has never talked since she was born, now 7, but she can laugh!
"Whatever you do, do all things to the glory of GOD." 1 Corinthians 10:31

PO Box 12385, Oklahoma City, OK, 73157

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